Van Van

Van Van is an old hoodoo formula for oil, incense, sachet powders, and washing products that are intended to get rid of evil, provide magical defense, change bad luck to good, as well as strengthening other charms.
Van Van oil is considered the most practical of conjuring oils. It is highly versatile and can be used in almost any intentional working.
Van Van is good for everything from attracting good luck, protection, removing negative energies and influences, to opening up doors of opportunity, communication and love. It can be used to dress candles, cleanse and anoint objects and in baths, as well as many other applications.
Van Van oil also amplifies other ingredients used in your spellwork.
Adding a dropper to your mop water for your floors, a drop or two to your door handles or in the corners of the rooms in your house will bring an uplifting vibe to your space.
I personally made 3 versions for different uses:
• Van Van Traditional to be used as a home or office cleansing oil. It is highly concentrated and can be diluted by adding to a spray bottle with distilled water.
• Van Van Traditional + Options are intended to be used in spell work. The + options = dried herbs and gemstones to enhance its intended use. Also highly concentrated so a little will go a long way. Use it to dress candles, anoint objects or protect the home from outside influences.
• Van Van Made by Sarush is a more wearable version of an old classic. Made with high quality organic essential oils blended with Jojoba. Minimal but effective. Highly recommended especially if you are ruled by the Moon or Venus.